For Renewable Energy Developers
Alamport can support renewable energy developers and projects with flexible capital solutions and client strategies tailored to the on-the-ground needs and requirements. We also have extensive Japanese network partners and clients that are keen to finance for selected renewable energy project opportunities.
- Offering various types of financing support to your project and company (common equity, preferred equity and mezzanine finance etc.)
- Supporting carbon credits and its application and purchasing your IRECs.
- Inviting strategic Japanese business / finance partners to your project and company (major utilities, leading renewable developers, private equity firms, other Japanese strategic companies etc.)
- Japanese Governmental Support. We offer the support services for application and implementation of the Japanese Governmental Support, covering some percentage of engineering and equipment costs. We act as a liaison with Japanese Governmental Agencies or Other Japanese companies.
For Business Enterprises
There are limited regulatory options for achieving decarbonization in Indonesia. In order to count electricity usage as renewable energy in Indonesia, it is currently possible to select either (1) installing of rooftop solar power to your own factories or (2) purchasing a renewable energy certificate as an option.
Rooftop Solar PV Rental
We provide a one-stop solution for solar installation from developing, engineering, procuring, and construction to going operation and maintenance activities with zero investment from you side.
With the application of Japanese Government Support, we may be able to propose more competitive offers to you.
Self Procurement Scheme

- Huge upfront cash out
- Enormous work to negotiate and manage contractors
- Selection & quality control needed for local EPC contractors that are inexperienced
- Slection & quality control needed for local O&M contractors that are inexperienced
Our Rental Scheme

- No upfront payment needed (monthly payment based on kWh generated by PV solar)
- Experienced our engineers manage contractor tender and evaluation & supervision on construction and O&M to maintain quality
- O&M costs are included in the Fee
- Assets are owned by us but can be purchased at any year at predetermined prices
*O&M: Operation and Maintenance
Please visit our Alam Energy Web Site
News Release (Rooftop Solar PV)
- 4th Mar 2024
- Alamport has acted as a financial advisor for PT. ATW Alam Hijau for raising debt finance to its rooftop solar business in Indonesia
- 29th Nov 2023
- Alam Energy raises IDR 41 billion financing from PT SMI in Indonesia
- 16th Oct 2023
- 3MW Rooftop Solar Power System of Paper Factory in Java Island Selected for Financing Programme for JCM Model Projects by the Ministry of Environment, Japan
- 9th Aug 2023
- Alamport via Alam Energy received the order of 3MW Rooftop Solar Power Plant at Paper Mill in Indonesia
Procurement for I-REC
Alamport supports companies that wish to use I-REC as options for achieving decarbonization in Indonesia. We can propose several types of IREC based on the region, generation type and project characteristics as well as the flexible terms and conditions.